Frequently Asked Questions

Solo Build It! -- Site-Building -- MailOut Manager         List of Categories        

  • Why are the confirmation and other links broken into several lines in my test emails?

    When you send yourself a test email in either the MailOut Manager or when creating an autoresponder for a form in the Form Build It! Library, you will receive two separate emails, one HTML version and one text-only version.

    In the text version, you may see long links, such as the subscription confirmation links, broken up into several lines.

    The links are in fact sent on one line, but your email software may break them up, depending on its settings.

    Please keep in mind that this issue occurs for the text version only, which is sent to you separately from the HTML version.

    However, when your newsletter or autoresponder is sent to your visitors, the HTML and the text-only versions are combined in one email. If your visitor's email software can read HTML, which is the case for the vast majority of Internet users, they will see the HTML version, not the text one.

    On a practical level, you do not need to be concerned about this. Most of your subscribers will not be affected.

    The very small minority of users who cannot, or do not wish to, read HTML emails will likely set up their email software so that it won't break the links over several lines. Otherwise they will be all too familiar with this issue and know how to copy and paste the long links to their browser.


  • How can I change the name of the sender of my newsletter?

    If you wish to change the name of the sender that your subscribers see when they receive your newsletter, you can do so by following these simple steps...

    1. In Site Central, navigate to the "My Account/SBI! Renewal" section by clicking the corresponding text link in the upper right corner of the page.

    2. Scroll down to the "Contact Info" on this new page and enter your preferred name/persona. Whatever you input in the "First Name" and "Last Name" fields will be what's used in your MailOut Manager newsletter.

      If you would like a one-word persona (e.g., Editor-in-Chief), then you will need to put this in the "First Name" field. The "Last Name" field will need to have at least one space inserted as the "Last Name" field cannot remain blank.

    3. To save your changes be sure to enter your password at the bottom of the screen, then click the Complete Modifications button.

    If you are an active SiteSell affiliate and have chosen to be paid via check, you will also need to make some modifications in your SiteSell Affiliate Account...

    1. Go to your SiteSell Affiliate Accounting Modifications Page...

    2. 2) Scroll down to the "Affiliate Payment Info" section.

      Please make sure that the option to pay you "Via check, made out to my company" is selected, and enter your name or the name you wish to appear on your check in the "Company Name" field.

    3. 3) To save your changes, be sure to enter your password at the bottom of the page, then click the Complete Modifications button.

    By following these steps, you ensure that your desired name shows as the sender of your newsletter while your affiliate checks are still made out to your proper name.


  • Where do I find the URL of my newsletter's Back Issues page?

    When you first select the option to show a newsletter issue on your Back Issues page, this page will be created for you automatically. From then on, a link to your Back Issues page will be included in the welcome email that is sent to new subscribers and at the bottom of every future issue.

    For specific details, please see...

    The URL of the Back Issues page is also automatically added to the Text Block and Image Block link picker.

    If you want to link to your Back Issues page, follow these steps...

    Step 1) Edit the page that you want to add the link to.

    Step 2) Identify where you want to insert the ink. Add the anchor text and highlight it (or highlight existing text) that you would like to use to link to the page.

    Step 3) Click the Link button and select Link Library. Select your back issues page file name from the list (you can do a search for the URL using "backissues" or for the Name using "Back Issues" to easily locate the file).

    - After selecting the link click the Add Selected Link button.

    Your highlighted text will now be a link to your back issues page. You can now customize the link using the options in the Links toolbar (i.e., open in a new window, nofollow).

    Open New Window: Select whether a link will open in the same window or a new window will pop up when the link is clicked. Which way is best? Use a new window for links to other websites so you don't lose your visitors. For links to other pages on your own site, do not open a new window.

    Nofollow: Select this option if you do not want search engines to follow this link.

    Step 4) Preview your page by clicking on the Preview button. If you are satisfied, click the Build It! button.

    You'll find additional help and details for creating text links here...

    If you merely need to know the URL of your Back Issues page, follow these steps...

    Step 1) Click the Link Library link in Site Central. This will display a list of all the links in your Link Library.

    Step 3) Find the link named Back Issues for NEWSLETTER NAME newsletter in your Link Library.

    Step 4) Click on the link and select Copy URL. A pop-up window will display with your URL.


  • Can I edit a back issue of my newsletter?

    The MailOut Manager does not permit you to resend a back issue. You can, however, edit an archived newsletter for typos or other small fixes.

    If you wish to access your back issues, click on the MailOut Manager button in the BusinessCenter at Site Central. On the MailOut Manager home page, scroll down to the All Lists section. Then click on the Get History and Archives button.

    Click on the date link of the particular back issue you wish to edit. Then fix those typos that escaped you the first time around!


  • How do I find out if I have new subscribers to my newsletter?

    MailOut Manager will provide you with a text list of all your current subscribers. Here's how you can access this information...

    Click on the MailOut Manager button in Site Central.

    Scroll down to the Select List section. Before you click on the Export an E-mail Address List, click on the Export help link for guidance.


  • How do I save a newsletter so I can edit it later?

    After creating your newsletter, set the mailout for a future date (for example, two weeks from today) and then hit the Send It! function. This action will save your newsletter in a queue in the Get History and Archives module of MailOut Manager.

    When you are ready to edit the newsletter, click on the MailOut Manager link in Site Central. Scroll down to the All Lists section. Then click on the Get History and Archives button.

    Now click on the date of your saved newsletter in the queue. Edit as needed. If you are still not sure your newsletter is ready, leave the future date as is and click on the Send It! button. Come back later for another try.

    If you are OK with everything, change the send date and click Send It!. Your newsletter will be mailed out on your requested date.

    Please note... You cannot send out an archived issue again. But you can edit it for typos. Just click its date link in the Get History and Archives section and do whatever fixes you want to make.


  • How can I import a mailing list?

    You can manually copy-and-paste subscribers to your mailing list but there is no automatic mass-import functionality in MailOut Manager.

    SBI! follows a strict double opt-in subscription policy to protect the integrity of all SBIers and to help you build a credible mailing list. So each person that you manually add to your list will receive an opt-in confirmation email.

    Ready to get started? Click on the MailOut Manager link in Site Central. Then click on the Add Subscribers to an E-mail Address List button. This will bring you to a form where you can copy-and-paste up to 500 email addresses per day. Please follow the instructions as outlined.


  • Where do I find Forum FAQs related to this category?

    Please visit the following location...

